Анатолiй | 15 Вересня 2014, о 19:29 |
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тут ARRANGER (далі буде) • Roland E-10 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1988 - 1989 MIDI • Roland E-20 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1989 - 1990 MIDI • Roland E-5 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1989 - 1991 MIDI • Roland E-30 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1990 - 1991 MIDI • Roland E-15 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1991 - 1993 MIDI • Roland E-35 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1991 - 1993 MIDI • Roland E-70 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1991 - 1993 MIDI • Roland E-16 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1993 - 1996 MIDI • Roland E-36 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1993 - 1995 MIDI • Roland E-56 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1993 - 1994 MIDI • Roland E-86 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1993 - 1995 MIDI • Roland EM-303 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1993 - 1996 MIDI • Roland EM-305 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1993 - 1996 MIDI • Roland E-66 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1994 - 1996 MIDI • Roland E-12 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1995 - 1999 MIDI • Roland E-38 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1995 - 2000 MIDI • Roland E-96 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1995 - 1997 MIDI • Roland E-40OR Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1996 - 2000 MIDI • Roland E-14 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1997 - 2000 MIDI • Roland E-28 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1997 - 2000 MIDI • Roland E-500 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1997 - 1999 MIDI • Roland E-68 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1997 - 1999 MIDI • Roland E-300 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1998 - 2000 MIDI • Roland E-14OR Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1998 - 2000 MIDI • Roland E-500OR Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1998 - 1999 MIDI • Roland EM-2000 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1998 - 2000 MIDI • Roland E-600 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1999 - 2000 MIDI • Roland EM-10 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1999 - 2001 MIDI • Roland EM-20 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1999 - 2001 MIDI • Roland EM-30 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1999 - 2001 MIDI • Roland EM-50 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 1999 - 2001 MIDI • Roland EM-50OR Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2000 - 2002 MIDI • Roland VA-5 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2000 - 2002 MIDI • Roland VA-7 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2000 - 2004 MIDI • Roland EM-15 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2001 - 2003 MIDI • Roland EM-25 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2001 - 2004 MIDI • Roland VA-3 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2001 - 2004 MIDI • Roland VA-76 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2001 - 2004 MIDI • Roland EM-15D Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2002 - 2004 MIDI • Roland EM-15OR Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2002 - 2004 MIDI • Roland EM-25D Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2002 - 2004 MIDI • Roland EM-55 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2002 - 2004 MIDI • Roland EM-55OR Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2002 - 2004 MIDI • Roland EXR-3 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2003 - 2005 MIDI • Roland EXR-5 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2003 - 2005 MIDI • Roland EXR-7 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2004 - 2006 MIDI • Roland EXR-3s Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2005 - ? • Roland EXR-5s Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2005 - 2008 • Roland EXR-40OR Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2005 - 2006 • Roland EXR-7s Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2005 - 2006 • Roland E-09 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2006 - now MIDI • Roland E-50 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2006 - 2010 MIDI • Roland E-80 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2006 - 2009 MIDI • Roland E-60 Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2006 - 2009 MIDI • Roland EXR-46OR Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2007 - 2009 • Roland E-09W Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2008 - now MIDI • Roland Prelude Arranger Kbd with Speakers 2009 - now MIDI • Roland PRO-E Arranger Kbd without Speakers 1989 - 1990 MIDI • Roland G-800 Arranger Kbd without Speakers 1995 - 1998 MIDI • Roland G-600 Arranger Kbd without Speakers 1997 - 2000 MIDI • Roland G-1000 Arranger Kbd without Speakers 1998 - 2000 MIDI • Roland G-70 Arranger Kbd without Speakers 2004 - 2008 MIDI • Roland GW-7 Arranger Kbd without Speakers 2005 - 2008 MIDI • Roland GW-8 Arranger Kbd without Speakers 2008 - now MIDI mp3 .wav • Roland CA-30 Desktop Arranger ohne Sounds 1989 - 1992 MIDI • Roland RA-50 Begleitautomatik ohne Tastatur 1989 - 1992 MIDI • Roland RA-90 Arranger Module 1992 - 2000 MIDI • Roland RA-30 Arranger Modul 1995 - 1999 MIDI • Roland RA-95 Arranger Modul 1995 - 1998 MIDI • Roland RA-800 Arranger-Modul (G-800 ohne Tastatur) 1997 - 2000 MIDI •Roland ASC-10 MIDI Scale Converter 1993 - 2000 •Roland LVC-1 MIDI-SCART-Interface für Songtexte 1997 - 1998 •Roland DisCover5 Realtime Orchestrator 2002 - 2004 •Roland DisCover 5M Realtime Orchsetrator (Desktop) 2003 - 2006 •Roland RK-100 VIMA-Keyboard ohne LCD Output 2006 - jetzt •Roland RK-500 VIMA-Keyboard mit LCD Output 2006 - jetzt •Roland RK-300 VIMA Recreational Keyboard 2009 - jetzt Roland BK-7m, BK-5, BK-9, BK-3 2011-2015 Roland E-A7 - 2015 |
pete fedyshyn | 17 Вересня 2014, о 21:36 |
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.......і..? |
MIKOLA63 DEMENTSEVICH | 17 Вересня 2014, о 22:11 |
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Анатолій ви давайте "прєкращайтє", як ви могли не включити D-50 - це не тільки особиста образа pete fedyshyn ... це можна сказати ... ОГО-ОГО !!! |
pete fedyshyn | 18 Вересня 2014, о 00:46 |
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При чому тут D50, чоловік виклав моделі самограйок, а я просто не зрозумів, що хотів тим сказати. Але чому це не сподобалось Миколі з 63-ма Деменсевичами? |
MIKOLA63 DEMENTSEVICH | 18 Вересня 2014, о 03:12 |
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я просто не зрозумів, що хотів...Але чому це не сподобалось
мені якраз і сподобалось - прямо клоунське антре в виконанні Пете Флудишина а от чому хронологія червоною ганчіркою так подіяла на Пете з 1-м Флудишиним ...питанє |
unclehaphap | 18 Вересня 2014, о 09:43 |
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pete fedyshyn | 18 Вересня 2014, о 16:56 |
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Пете Флудишина
я можливо занадто вимогливий, і не розумію того, що не всі ходили в школу P.S. MIKOLA63 DEMENTSEVICH, Я здається тебе не чіпав .... |
Анатолiй | 7 Жовтня 2015, о 19:04 |
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Може згодиться: Factory Reset E-09 Press FUNCTION so it is lit. Use the FAMILY buttons to select “Utility,” then use the SELECT buttons to select “Factory Reset.” Press TEMPO >/YES twice E-10/20/30 Power on while holding WRITE E-35 Power on while holding REC/PUNCH IN E-36 Power on while holding RECORDER E-50/60/80 Press MENU. Press “UTILITY” then press “FACTORY RESET.” Press “EXECUTE.” E-56 Power on while holding WRITE E-66 Power on while holding REC in the DISK RECORDER section E-68/70/86/96 Power on while holding WRITE E-300/500 Press UTILITY. Use the buttons under the display that correspond to <> to select FACTORY PRESET. Press EXECUTE, then press OK. When the screen displays RESET COMPLETE, turn the unit off, then on E-600 Press FUNCTION and use the PAGE (<) (>) buttons to select “Factory Preset.” Touch the “Execute” icon followed by the “OK” icon on the display screen. Power off then on EG-101 Power on while holding WRITE EM-10 Power on while holding USER PROGRAM/WRITE EM-15/25 With the unit on, press FUNCTION until “RESUME” shows in the display. Then press TEMPO+ EM-20/30/50/55 Power on while holding USER PROGRAM/WRITE EM-2000 Performance Sets need to be loaded from disk to restore factory default settings. Insert the factory ZIP Disk into the drive and power on. Press F5 (Disk), then F1 (Load). Press PAGE ^ / v to select “PRF MEM” and press UPPER 1(Execute) ep-5/7/7MKII While holding REC and PLAY, press STRINGS. Power off and then back on ep-9 While holding REC and PLAY, press CHOIR. Power off and then back on ep-75/85 Power on while holding REC EQ-20 Power on holding LIGHT and SELECT. Release, then press LIGHT and SELECT again EXR-3/5 Power on while holding USER PROGRAM/WRITE EXR-40/46OR Power on while holding USER PROGRAM/WRITE F |
Володимир Матвійчук | 7 Жовтня 2015, о 19:46 |
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Шо це за історія така однобока? Свайба якась. Де ж серії Juno, JV, JD, JW, Jupiter, XP, XV, D, MC, JP, S, SH? Історик... |
Анатолiй | 7 Жовтня 2015, о 20:50 |
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Будь ласка :-) Цифровы синтезатори: Roland D-50 LA Synthesizer, MIDI (Digital keyboard synthesizer) 1987 - 1992 MIDI Roland MT-32 Soundmodul im Pultgehäuse (Digital desktop synth) 1987 - 1992 MIDI Roland D-550 Synthesizer-Modul ´D-50´ (Digital 19`` synth) 1987 - 1990 MIDI Roland D-10 LA-Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1988 - 1992 MIDI Roland D-110 19´ LA-Synthesizer Modul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1988 - 1991 MIDI Roland D-20 LA-Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys & seq) 1988 - 1992 MIDI Roland U-110 ROM Sample-Player Modul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1988 - 1990 MIDI Roland U-20 RS-PCM Keyboard (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1989 - 1992 MIDI Arp Roland D-5 LA Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1989 - 1992 MIDI Arp Rhodes Model 660 RS-PCM Keyboard, 61 Tasten (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1989 - 1992 MIDI Roland U-220 19´ RS-PCM Soundmodul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1989 - 1992 MIDI Roland D-70 Super LA Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1990 - 1994 MIDI Rhodes Model 760 RS-PCM Keyboard, 76 Tasten (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1990 - 1993 MIDI Roland JD-800 Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1991 - 1995 MIDI Roland JX-1 Performance Synthesizer (Digital keyboard synthesizer) 1991 - 1992 MIDI Roland JV-30 Synthesizer (GM or GS Keyboard Synthesizer) 1992 - 1993 MIDI Roland JV-80 Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1992 - 1994 MIDI Roland JV-880 Synthesizer-Modul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1992 - 1996 MIDI Roland JW-50 MIDI-Workstation (GM or GS Keyboard Synthesizer w. Seq) 1992 - 1995 MIDI Roland JV-35 GS-Synthesizer (GM or GS Keyboard Synthesizer) 1993 - 1996 MIDI Roland JV-50 GS-Synthesizer mit 3,5´ Floppy (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1993 - 1996 MIDI Roland JV-1000 Music Production Workstation (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys & seq) 1993 - 1995 MIDI Roland JV-90 Expandable Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1993 - 1996 MIDI Roland JD-990 Synthesizer Module 19´, erweiterbar (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1993 - 1996 MIDI Roland JV-1080 Expandable Synthesizer Module (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1994 - 2001 MIDI Roland XP-50 Synthesizer Workstation (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys & seq) 1995 - 1998 MIDI Arp Roland XP-10 GM/GS Synthesizer, 28 stimmig (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1995 - 2002 MIDI Roland M-DC1 Sound Expansion Synthesizer-Modul...(Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1995 - 1996 MIDI Roland M-OC1 Sound Expansion Synthesizer-Modul...(Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1995 - 1998 MIDI Roland M-SE1 Sound Expansion Synthesizer-Modul...(Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1995 - 1998 MIDI Roland M-VS1 Sound Expansion Synthesizer-Modul...(Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1995 - 1998 MIDI Roland XP-80 Synthesizer Workstation (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys, arp & seq) 1996 - 2003 MIDI Arp Roland JP-8000 Analog Modeling Synthsizer (Digital key synth with arp) 1996 - 2001 MIDI Arp Roland JV-2080 Expandable Synthesizer Modul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1997 - 2001 MIDI Roland M-BD1 Sound Expansion Synthesizer Modul...(Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1997 - 1998 MIDI Roland XP-60 Synthesizer Workstation (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys, arp & seq) 1998 - 2003 MIDI Arp Roland JP-8080 Analog modeling Synthesizer Modul (Digital 19`` synth w. arpeggiator) 1998 - 2002 MIDI Arp Roland JV-1010 9,5´ Synthesizer-Modul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 1999 - 2003 MIDI Roland XP-30 Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 1999 - 2004 MIDI Roland XV-3080 XV-Synthesizer-Modul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 2000 - 2002 MIDI Roland XV-88 XV-Synthesizer mit 88 Hammermecha...(Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 2000 - 2003 MIDI Roland XV-5080 XV-Synthesizer-Modul mit Sample P...(Digital multi timbral 19`` synth w. sampleplayer) 2000 - 2004 MIDI Roland RS-5 64 -Voice Synthesizer, GM2 kompat...(Digital multi timbral synth w. keys & arp) 2000 - 2003 MIDI Roland RS-9 64 -Voice Synthesizer, GM2 kompat...(Digital multi timbral synth w. keys & arp) 2001 - 2003 MIDI Roland FA-76 64-Voice Synthesizer Keyboard, 76...(Digital multi timbral synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2002 - 2003 MIDI Arp Roland SH-32 Kompaktes Synthesizer-Modul (Digital desktop synth w. arp) 2002 - 2004 MIDI Arp Roland XV-5050 64-Voice Synthesizer-Modul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 2002 - 2004 MIDI Roland XV-2020 64 Voice Synthesizer-Modul 9,5´ (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth) 2002 - 2004 MIDI Roland V-Synth VariPhrase COSM Synthesizer, 61 T...(Keyboard Synth with VariPhrase Sampler and Arp) 2003 - 2007 MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-S Fantom-S, Music Production Workst...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2003 - 2004 MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-S88 Music Production Workstation, 88e...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2003 - 2004 MIDI Arp Roland RS-50 Tastatur-Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys & arp) 2003 - 2004 MIDI Roland RS-70 Tastatur-Synthesizer mit Sequenzer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2003 - 2004 MIDI Arp Rodgers MX-200 Orgel Soundmodul, GM2 kompatibel (Digital 19`` synth) 2004 - now MIDI Roland Fantom-X6 Synthesizer/Sampling Workstation,...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2004 - 2008 MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-X7 Synthesizer/Sampling Workstation,...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2004 - 2008 MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-X8 Synthesizer/Sampling Workstation,...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2004 - 2008 MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-XR Synthesizer/Sampling Modul (Digital multi timbral 19`` synth w. arp & seq) 2004 - 2010 MIDI Arp Roland JUNO-D Synthesizer (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys & arp) 2004 - 2007 MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-Xa Sampling/Synthesizer-Workstation (Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2004 - 2006 MIDI Arp Roland V-Synth XT VariPhrase/COSM-Synthesizer-Modul (Multi timbral 19`` VariPhrase Synth w. arp) 2005 - 2009 MIDI Arp Roland Juno-G 128 stimmige Synthesizer-Workstat...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2006 - 2007 MIDI Arp Roland SH-201 Synthesizer (analog Modeling) (Digital key synth with arp) 2006 - 2010 MIDI Arp Roland V-Synth GT Elastic Audio Synthesizer (Keyboard Synth with VariPhrase Sampler and Arp) 2007 - now MIDI Arp Roland Juno-D LE Synthesizer, 61 Tasten, 66 neue S...(Digital multi timbral synth w. keys & arp) 2008 - 2009 MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-G6 Music Workstation (Synth, Sampler...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2008 - now MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-G7 Music Workstation (Synth, Sampler...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2008 - 2010 MIDI Arp Roland Fantom-G8 Music Workstation (Synth, Sampler...(Multi timbral sampling synth w. keys, arp & seq) 2008 - now MIDI Arp Roland JUNO-STAGE Synthesizer (Digital key synth w. seq & arp) 2008 - now MIDI Roland AX-Synth Umhänge-Synthesizer (Shoulder Syn...(Remote keyboard) 2009 - now MIDI Roland JUNO-Di Mobile Synthesizer with Song Player (Digital multi timbral synth w. keys) 2009 - now MIDI Roland AX-09 Shoulder Synthesizer LUCINA mit W...(Digital keyboard synthesizer) 2010 - now MIDI Roland SH-01 Synthesizer GAIA (Digital key synth with arp) 2010 - now MIDI Arp Roland JUNO-Gi Mobile Synthesizer wiith Digital ...(Digital key synth w. seq & arp) 2010 - ? |
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